Chiropractic Student Debt Blog

A whole blog devoted to the CHIROPRACTIC STUDENT LOAN CRISIS.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

In Debt Before You Start

This is a good article that appeared a few months ago in USA Today, titled "In Debt Before You Start":

Click here for story

After years of rising college costs and shrinking financial aid, it's come to this: Some graduates are now leaving college with student-loan debt in the six figures.

Graduates with more than $100,000 in debt still account for a small subset of borrowers. But their numbers are rising. And the proportion who are leaving college with some level of unmanageable debt — debt they can't repay without significant hardship — is swelling.

In 2004, nearly 8% of graduating seniors carried student loans of $40,000 or more, according to the Project on Student Debt, a non-profit advocacy group. In 1993, even adjusted for inflation, only 1.3% of college seniors had debt that large, says Robert Shireman, director of the project.

About 11% of graduates of private, non-profit colleges have loans of $40,000 or more vs. 5.5% for public colleges and universities, Shireman says.